Judy came to a group called My Paper Pantry online and friended the host of a swap group. Now Teasha, Judy and I get the opportunity to partitake in a craft swap once a month. There is a theme or a particular item to be used, but aside from that you can just be as creative as you want to be. This was the first project we made.
These are some pins I made to pin onto the lids of my jars
Here is one of the lids. I made 3 jars in the same style
Here are my three jars although you can only see two, but there are three there.
I modge podged sewing pattern paper to the whole outside of the jars and then added a white lace layer and a black trim layer. I love the pearls leading down the jar like a dress would have. Lots of trim and sparkle. You know me, I love glitter!
The two on the left are Judy's and the the one on the right is Teasha's. It was a fun project because we all bounced ideas of each other. For instance, Judy came up with the sewing pattern paper idea and I came up with wrapping variegated yarn around the jars, which she used that idea. We had a really fun time with this project and the net one is decorating dress forms so keep a look out :)
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